Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The temptation of power and mental wandering

The temptation of power is a dam that many people fail to pass. Mirage of power is a specialty of "Ego" (which God calls him the King of the World), all high priests, the great enlightened and wise of the world have reported it as an attempt by his head on the spiritual path. Jesus himself was tempted "to demonstrate he`s strength, jumping from the rocks". The Cuckold stated before the clean people, giving them "power", but that power were based on human weaknesses, the most hidden desires and fierce.First, they confirmed the existence of this power by producing various paranormal phenomena, some powers of healing and clairvoyant powers, and then .. the mind of someone who has accepted "power" to be taken ..by darkness and error.  In "paranormal" stage , people are looking for divine truth and the specific virtues of higher consciousness, they need a state of vigilance, self-control and rigorous verification. This is a step in which the energy field that accompanies the man is strong, and manifestations of clairvoyance, telepathy, synchronicity or extrasensory perception it intensifies.Humility and recognition that power is manifested in us, but not belong to us, is indication an rescuer and a state able to help us get true spiritual evolution. Only after we will overcome the "temptation paranormal" stage, we will have the access to the understanding and the realization that paranormal phenomena happen by itself.They are supported by a very high energy, amid a state of mind marked by disinterested love, forgiveness, acceptance and support given to others. The undisturbed paranormal phenomena by dark forces and spiritual feelings mentioned is happen around us !   When the human mind,occurs, but, giving-and power to produce, the human desires and conditioning and involving the suffering, expectations .. sick or claims, hatred or different negative states of mind, the "light field power" is withdraw. That it happen, that miracles are possible when both is bearing the light energy, as one who believes with his whole soul into it, and it ask help can be maintained in humility, in love, in devotion and inner beauty. Any intervention of the egos, pride and acceptance that we can do good things without love warms the soul as we go to a massive power breakdown, perhaps as strong as the fall of Adam and Eve from Paradise.The spiritual power who activates the paranormal phenomenon can be divines, or we can lead to mental wandering and pathetic confusion . This is an overwhelming challenge stage on the spiritual path and force that most of the seekers of truth are lost. ..If in such phenomena are happening around us, it is important to appeal to prayer, to pray for the truth and to love more than to instruct us in handling power. God can not be manipulated by the human self and the history confirm with chockfull.

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